Lit. Circle Jobs

20130703_112927One thing I found that my sixth graders enjoyed were literature circles.  I saw many different literature circle jobs online so I decided to create my own based on the jobs that  I saw and liked. I stapled the jobs in file folders because it’s cheap.  Since each group had their own set they could work on their assignment daily (whenever they finished with something early) and I didn’t feel bad when I had to replace them. There were five jobs: Summarizer, Discussion Director, Word Wizard, Illustrator, and Connector.  Each student had the opportunity to have each job.  The folders I created were for students to reference and these stayed in their reading group bins. 20130703_113123 They would have to write down their job’s assignment in their composition notebook over the reading portion assigned to their group. I am going to share these with you because who doesn’t love free stuff? I uploaded it to Google Drive so it doesn’t look exactly how it’s pictured, but the important stuff is the same. Click here to access.  All I ask is that you let me know what you think! 🙂

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